[Changelogs] Alpha 5

Alpha 5 changelogs - The pig revenge!

This huge update is the first of two updates focused on user friendliness, by making the game as easy to run and play as possible, and making the Content Pack editor as easy to use as possible. With the final goal of making an in-game tutorial using only reusable features.

This update adds a lot of new exciting features: Static maps, roles, Host & Play button, and more! A new game mode has been added in the Vanilla content pack using these new features: Pig revenge.

Major features

  • Host & Play button: A new button in the multiplayer menu, allowing you to play with friends with only one click! Your computer will run both the server and your client. The game will try to configure port forwarding of your router automatically. The host & play screen will display your internet IP to easily share it to your friends.
  • Static maps: This is now possible to make "static" maps instead of a procedurally generated one. In the editor, you can choose between these two types of Map Providers. The new static map simply consists of two PNG images, one for tiles, and the other for structures. You can specify in the editor which color will become which tile or structure. A button "Add all missing..." automatically creates a color mapping for all tile / structure of the content pack with a default average color. Colors can be easily copied to be used in an image editor. I recommends to use an image editor supporting layers, and put the structures layer on top of the tiles layer when editing them.
  • Roles: New role system, it allows to give specific starter kit of items to players, and specify specific win condition. The visibility of the roles can be configured, this allows for example  to create "guess role" game modes, with traitors. In the editor, roles stands as a new tab in the Game Mode element. Roles can be chosen in two different ways: randomly, at the beginning of the game, or selected before the game, in the server lobby.
  • Changed right click behavior in the inventory: In game, a right in the inventory was a split action, to take half of an item stack, or to place one if you hold one. Now this split action is by default "left-shift + left click". The right click will now use the item, the same way when you right click an item you hold on the world viewport. This makes the right click action more consistent.
  • Game mode description: A description text can be specified in the translation screen of the editor. This description is shown in the game mode selection screens.

Other features

  • Control the conditions to start the game : When a solo or multiplayer game is about to start, the game will first check the number of players, teams, and roles before starting the game. If the conditions are not respected according to the game mode, an error message will appear.
  • Crafting menu scrollbar: The in-game crafting menu can now be scrolled if you guys make crazy content packs with a lot of items.
  • Endgame conditions list & new end game conditions: Endgame condition in Game Modes is now a list of endgame conditions, the game will end if any of these conditions is respected. New endgame conditions: Time-based endgame condition, and Number of player with a given role endgame condition. /!\ Endgame conditions of old content packs will become empty, they will have to be re-specified. 
  • Player spawn type: There is now two different types of player spawn: Auto-square, which is the actual one, and static, which consists of a list of positions used to spawn each teams.
  • Random spawn position of effect events: This is a new spawn position type of effect events of game modes, you can specify a rectangle position, effect events will spawn inside this rectangle at random position.
  • Enhanced "Add item" alteration: The alteration Add item has been improved : it is now a list of item stack with a probability weight to be chosen, and it has now a repeat attribute using a stat formula. /!\ Add item alterations of old content packs will become empty, this is the case for the warlock_projectile_explosion of the Vanilla content pack.
  • Do nothing behavior target: The behavior "Do nothing" has now a target property, in this way, creatures can aim ennemies when not moving.
  • Limit sound effects played: There is now a limit based on time when the same sound effect should be played multiple times in a short range of time. Your ears are safe.
  • Auto-square area search fail message: When starting a game and the auto-square spawn system didn't found a place that satisfies the average free density specified, an error message appears and display the average density found.

Other content pack editor features

  • Filename independent Content Packs: The name and version number of Content packs does not depends anymore of the filename.
  • Installed content pack list: The File > Open will now show the list of the installed content packs (in the "contentPacks" folder) in a list using their name and version number. This is still possible to choose any file using File > Open file.
  • Percent display: Many inputs are now displayed as percent instead of a value between 0 and 1. For example, the probability of an item to be chosen in an Item Reward element.
  • Upgrade tool: This version and probably many future versions will break the compatibility of old content packs. I made an upgrade tool that will purpose you to upgrade an older content pack when you open it with the editor. This upgrade tool will be maintained for every future versions.
  • Font size settings: It appears that in some high DPI displays, the text of the editor is very tiny. To solve that, go to the new Editor > Settings menu, and change the font size of the editor. The editor will have to be restarted to fully apply the changes.
  • Repeat property of Effects has been removed: It was useless, because Animation Templates has a BEFORE_DEFAULT action that is not repeated, followed by DEFAULT, which is.
  • Keep in memory type of elements: If for example, you miss-click on a weapon item in the type and select another type, you can go back to the weapon type and find everything as it was.
  • Save changes warning when closing the editor: When closing the editor, a warning will asks you if you want to save changes.

Vanilla content pack

New game mode: Pig revenge! This game mode use many new features. It consists of a cooperative survival mode of a small group of players in a fixed and limited map. You have to survive 15 minutes to win, pig waves will become stronger and stronger. Some item packages will drop to the ground, find them to get stronger stuff! One of the players will be the leader, he will start with a better stuff, he will be able to heal himself and allies with the light sword.

What's next?

The next update will add a bunch of new features to continue to improve the "user friendliness" of the game and the editor. NPCs will arrive, including interactive dialogs. With these new features, a new tutorial game mode will be added in the Vanilla content pack.

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